Prof. Dr. ir. Geert RAES
Geert Raes is staff scientist and valorization manager at the VIB Center for Inflammation Research and the Brussels Center for Immunology (BCIM) research group of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. His research is focused on the phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of myeloid cells and in vivo applications of camelid-derived single-domain antibody fragments (nanobodies). More recently, this was also expanded to include the clinical translation and valorization of dendritic cell-based therapies. Geert Raes has experience in compiling, coordinating, reporting on and valorization of scientific projects with a focus on collaborative projects and interaction with industry. He is co-founder of the VUB spin-off companies Precirix and Abscint.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels