Prof. Dr. Patrick DE BAETSELIER
FWO Evaluatie Commissie 'Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen en Natuurbeheer'
Expert for evaluation commissions of IWONL research projects
Expert for the evaluation of IWT doctoral grants
Board member of the Belgian Immunological Society
Board member of the Belgian Society for Protozoology
Board member of the 'Belgische Vereniging voor Kankerbestrijding'(BVKB)
Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Board member of the research council of the VUB
Director of the Interuniversity Programme Molecular Biology
Jury member of several Ph.D. theses throughout the year
Referee of : Infection and Immunity (member of editorial board)
Referee of : Invasion and Metastasis (member of editorial board)
Vice-dean Faculty of Sciences
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels